Denver, Aurora fire crews battle 2 alarm fire involving semitrucks, commercial building
1 الأسبوع منذ1 killed, multiple buried in 2 Grand County avalanches Saturday
تحقق إدارة شرطة دنفر في حادث إطلاق نار وقع في 3400 W. Kentucky Ave. تم العثور على ضحية واحدة، رجل بالغ. مدى الإصابات غير معروف في هذا الوقت. التحقيق جار، ويعمل الضباط على تطوير معلومات المشتبه به. دنفر
DPD is investigating a shooting at 18th St. and Wazee St. Two victims located. Extent of injuries unknown at this time. Investigation is ongoing, officers are working to develop suspect information. Denver
DPD is investigating a stabbing in the 1100 block 29th St. One victim located. Extent of injuries unknown at this time. Investigation is ongoing, officers are working to develop suspect information. Denver
DPD is investigating a stabbing in the 200 Block S. Meade St. One victim located, an adult female. Extended injuries are known at this time. Investigation is ongoing, officers are working to develop suspect information.
1 الأسبوع منذLaw enforcement working standoff situation in Brighton
1 الأسبوع منذ6 more people arrested following Main Event shooting in Highlands Ranch
Colorado deputies, police in standoff in City of Brighton
APD There is a large police presence at an apartment complex in the 3500 block of South Zeno Way. APD patrol officers initially responded about 8:30 a.m. to a report of an assault. An involved party has since barricaded inside an apartment
1 hospitalized with life-threatening injuries in Castle Rock house fire
Two men dead after possible domestic violence incident escalates in Aurora
4 taken to hospital after multiple auto-pedestrian crashes in downtown Denver
DPD officers are investigating a serious bodily injury crash near 22nd and Lawrence involving a motor vehicle vs pedestrian. 3 parties have been transported to the hospital with unknown extent of injuries.
DPD Officers are investigating a shooting near 14th / Market. One victim has been transported to the hospital with unknown extent of injuries. No suspect information at this time.
Teen arrested at Fort Collins High School in connection to 2024 home invasion, assault
3 الأسبوع منذ1 killed in house fire in southwest Denver
3 الأسبوع منذTeen shot and killed in Commerce City, juvenile arrested
One person died in a fire Tuesday morning near S. Hooker Street and W. Alabama Place, the Denver Fire Department said
متظاهرون يتظاهرون في وسط مدينة كولورادو سبرينجز ضد سياسات ترامب في مجال الهجرة
A man was shot and killed by a Douglas County Sheriff's deputy late Saturday night following a separate but apparently connected shooting that injured a woman inside a Highlands Ranch entertainment center
15-year-old shot during attempted armed robbery in Aurora park
2 teens shot at Aurora roller skating rink, police say; No suspects in custody
3 الأسبوع منذPolice investigating homicide in Brighton
5 taken to hospital after crash in Denver; Speer, Colfax intersection closed
مسؤول حدودي أمريكي يلقي باللوم على التسريبات في عرقلة مداهمات الهجرة في ضاحية كولورادو التي سلط ترامب الضوء عليها
داهمت عناصر فيدرالية مسلحة مباني سكنية في مختلف أنحاء مدينة دنفر في وقت مبكر من صباح الأربعاء بحثا عن أعضاء عصابة فنزويلية ومهاجرين آخرين في إطار جهود الترحيل الجماعي التي تبذلها إدارة ترامب والتي تستهدف المدن الكبرى.
4 الأسبوع منذDenver police release details about double deadly shooting investigation
Suspect identified in Denver Washington Park shooting